New Lunch Set

New Lunch Set

New Lunch Set

Baked Black Codfish Set (Min. 2 orders)

Green salad with seared diver’s scallop 관자 샐러드
Steamed pork belly, Pickled wild garlic leaves, sesame leaves, and Bossam-Kimchi 보쌈
Baked Black Codfish with Caramelized bean paste sauce 은대구 된장구이
Rice & today’s soup with side dishes 밥, 국과 찬
2 scoops of homemade ice cream 아이스크림

Marinated Prime Rib Eye Set (Min. 2 orders)

Spring onion pancake with prawn, mussel, clam meat and squid 해물 파전
Marinated Prime Rib Eye BBQ (120g/pax) on charcoal grill 등심불고기BBQ (120g)
Cold noodle or Rice & today’s soup 냉면 또는 밥과 국
2 scoops of homemade ice cream 아이스크림

*updated on 28.Dec.2017